Monday, May 23, 2016

We Have A Council Date!

I know something you don't know...

Good afternoon all!
I have a very short and brief announcement:
I know that time has been going on without much new information, and we truly appreciate your patience and understanding about this! I've been talking about having our first official Council to discuss the base plans of what we expect out of this convention for quite some time now. Conflicting schedules have postponed this meeting, and therefore delayed any further or future meetings to delve even deeper. BUT NO LONGER!
Memorial Day is going to be upon us within a few days, and I am pleased to announce that the Council meeting will be after the holiday! How exciting is that?! We are practically 2 years away from the Gathering of a lifetime, and the anticipation is growing and time pressing! I look forward to speaking with Kitt, and the many more meetings to come!
Also, major thanks to all of the love you guys have been sending my way! Life has definitely been a test and a trial over these past few months. But whatever! I'm pushing on and so will our Gathering.
I already have a ton of ideas; one in particular about a certain trip I plan on taking next year to get everyone inspired about the convention! Oooooh yesh! I am feeling cheeky!
OH THE POSSIBILITIES!!!! I know something you don't know!


We will keep you posted on what we discuss, future plans, and perhaps even their execution as we see fit to reveal. Stay tuned!

Shade and Sweet Water,

Nightfall She-Wolf

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day from ElfQuest: The Gathering!


From all of us here at ElfQuest: The Gathering, we want to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day! Whether you have a child of your own, a niece or nephew, or even a fur baby - the love you give is immeasurable in every way!

We all can agree that ElfQuest has had a major impact on our lives, and I am proud to say that the World of Two Moons has been a tremendous influence in how I have loved on and nurtured the younger members of my family. It is a beautiful masterpiece that even gave me a whole new appreciation of a mother's undying love!

Also, we want to extend a major "Happy Mother's Day" to our mother in spirit Wendy Pini - without you guiding us along the way through the world (and so much more) that you've created, I can honestly say that some of us would not be the same! Thank you for helping to meld so many of us into the people we are (or still are striving to be) today! WE LOVE YOU ELFMOM!

Have a wonderful and blessed day everyone!

How has ElfQuest influenced your mothering skills? Who is your favorite ElfQuest mom? Let us know and spread the love!


Nightfall She-Wolf

Sidenote: Don't worry everyone, the convention Councils are coming!