From our family to yours, EQ The Gathering just wants to say:
From our family to yours, we not only wish everybody a wonderful, blessed, prosperous and joyful new year, but would also like to extend our deepest and sincerest thanks in this exciting journey as you have faithfully stood by us.
What's a happy New Year without taking the time to acknowledge, thank, and douse Wendy and Richard Pini in eternal love for another fantastic year of their wit, devotion, and beloved world of ElfQuest that fans across the planet have held so dear for years? WE LOVE YA MOM AND POP ELF AND CAN'T WAIT FOR MORE!
On Christmas Day 2016, we made the official announcement of our location for the Gathering, and as of right now we are approximately one year and five months away from our first ever ElfQuest Convention! From the moment we first announced our plans of having The Gathering, time has truly whizzed by, and now that we're just a year out, it's going to fly by even faster! Of course, there is still much to do, and as usual, you can count on us to keep you in the loop in the developments - whether they should unfortunately slow down, or happily speed up!
So, may your 2017 be bright, and may we all charge forth towards our hopes and deepest dreams. After all, now is the time! The Go-Back Chieftess Kahvi said it best: "What are you waiting for?"
So I ask of you the same. What are you waiting for? It's a new year, a new day, a new opportunity for something great. Launch forward into it and conquer this 2017!
Prosperous hunts and howls,
We can't wait to see you in 2018.
With all of my love,
Shekinah aka Nighfall She-Wolf